History of Search Engine Marketing

With the development of internet Search engine marketing has gained much popularity. It is the fastest way to broadcast and promote a business by the help of ranking of a website on the search engine. This is done by:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Paid placement
  • Contextual advertising
  • Paid inclusion

SEM gained rapid popularity after 2006. In 2008 the reports tell that the budget of US$13.5 billion was spent by the advertiser in United States of America. This time was the one in which companies spent more and more to improve their ranking on the search engines. This was also the time of development of agencies for search engine marketing on the behalf of businesses competing to rank better on search engine result page. The word SEM was proposed in 2001by Danny Sullivan.
In the 90s period search engines stared to help people in refining there searches to get better results. In 1996 pay per click was introduced. Later we say further development in it by the introduction of goto.com in 1998. Later 2003 it was bought by Yahoo!

Google started paid advertisements in 2000. Till the end of 2007 loads of money was earned through paid advertisements. Google is leading the market at the present and the latest development is that the Yahoo! And Microsoft has made an alliance which was approved early this year (2010).


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